Welcome to the Bass High Student Services Blog

Programs supporting the learning, engagement and wellbeing of our students.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

The Hurting Game: Year 8 in July

A live performance that takes a daring look at the hurtful games we play to give ourselves a false sense of power and belonging.
Samantha’s group spread rumours, give death stares and alienate her. She becomes obsessed with body image and dieting. She is constantly competing with other girls in the media, in the playground and on social websites.
Desperate to fit in at school, Jimmy succumbs to peer pressure and becomes the tough guy - harassing and bullying other students with homophobic remarks, deliberately failing maths and playing the fool. He gets involved in binge drinking and puts himself in dangerous situations.
They begin to realise their interactions on Facebook and by SMS could have lifelong implications.
Finally, one explosive confrontation forces them to realise that unrealistic expectations and peer pressure can lead to destructive behaviour.
The Hurting Game is an entertaining way to show students how ongoing negative relationships, at school and online, affect self-esteem. The show is action packed, humourous and episodic engaging even the toughest audience.
"Fantastic! Brilliantly put together. Relevant content, communicated superbly!  Age appropriate, clear positive messages.  Amazing!"   Emerald State High School, Qld
"Highly recommended! Actors were prompt. Completed the performance with excellent questioning skills. They were also happy to take questions from year 8 audience. Excellent hardcopy of worksheets that can be utilized in peer support sessions on anti-bullying. Captivated throughout the presentation." Fairvale High School, NSW
"Inspirational! Relevant and absorbing. A great production!"   Kuranda State High School, Qld
"Clever script, humour and music, clear message about cyber bullying and peer pressure!"   St Patrick's College Launceston, Tas

Monday, 11 July 2011

Headspace: take a virtual tour

take the virtual tour:

Raising Children Network

                                                     Link:      http://raisingchildren.net.au/

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Road Trauma Forum 2011 - ACER Arena

On 22 June Students from Year 11 attended the Road Trauma Forum. Feedback from staff and students was very positive and we will be attending again in 2012.


Regular School Attendance - information for parents and carers